
Photography Book by Cuban Artist Gilda Perez

| 25/09/2021

Ediciones inCUBAdora have recently released the ebook Tiempo de fotografía, by Cuban artist Gilda Perez*, as part of its Documenta collection.

Dulce, activista nicaragüense

The “Exiles” Campaign: Scars of the Nicaraguan Crisis

| 01/06/2021

Three years after the crisis in Nicaragua exploded, the “People in Need” organization has unveiled a project they call the “Exiles Campaign”.

“The Cuban government must normalize relations with its citizens, as premise to normalize them with the world"

| 16/02/2021

Those of us who subscribe to this letter are members of different sectors of Cuban society, with different ideologies and political positions, but driven by the same desire for a democratic, prosperous Cuba that respects all rights of all its citizens.

"Push and get it out": the dangers of delivering a baby in a country without humanizing childbirth

| 03/10/2020

In a country like Cuba, where the practice of humanizing childbirth is not yet implemented, the drastic reduction in the number of cesareans has unpredictable adverse effects.

Joint Statement from Organizations and the Media

| 15/06/2020

"These restrictions violate the provisions of Articles 8, 40, 41, 47, 54, and 228 of the Cuban Constitution and the international treaties ratified by the State, which are part of the national legal system and explicitly protect freedom of expression".

Escolares formados en Cuba. Foto: Alberto Consuegra.

Cuban Women and the Challenges of Educating their Children

| 12/03/2019

Education starts at home, everybody knows that. Children begin to socialize at home, they learn their first language at home, their first manners and begin to learn about their country’s culture. Then, at school, they access a world of different and complex branches of knowledge, which is very likely (and natural) they won’t have access […]

Mujeres con carros rústicos frente a panadería en Cuba. Foto: Francis Sánchez.

International Women’s Day in Cuba: “Today Could Be a Good Day”

| 09/03/2019

It’s March 8th and they want us to believe that we, Cuban women, have almost everything. But, that’s not true. There’s still a lot to be done in our country for us to achieve real gender equality. Necessary changes can (and should) begin with us. If it’s up to us to play a more active […]

Cochera cuentapropista y otras mujeres cubanas.

And what if we don't strike?

| 09/03/2019

On the eve of March 8th, International Women’s Day, we had some good news: Alas Tensas, a Cuban feminist magazine, has launched its website. You can now find us here! A large part of what we do or publish ever since we founded the magazine on October 16th 2016 (in print and pdf files), can now be […]

Ileana Álvarez. Photo: Yaudel Estenoz

Discovering and Living Feminism Changed This Cuban’s Life

| 23/02/2019

Ileana Alvarez, founder of the Cuban feminist magazine Alas Tensas (Tense wings) is a hard-working woman who loves what she does. She works at her home in Ciego de Avila and enjoys every moment greatly. Ever since we discovered that she was being harassed by State Security, we have tried to bring this interview to […]

Muchacha en medio de multitud oscura.

Sexual Harassment on Cuba’s Streets: What Can We Do About It?

| 22/02/2019

It’s the morning and I’m walking down a block which generally has very few cars and pedestrians at this time of day. I see a neglected park on my right, as it’s full of rubble, heaps of sand, bags of cement… they’re building something. I carry on, and about 4 meters away from me, a […]